Make it Yours
Each piece of art is uniquely yours from the moment you select the flowers for your special day. We also believe it’s important to include each client in the design of your art piece. While we reserve artistic freedom when it comes to putting the flowers on the background, you decide the color, frame, shape, size and orientation of the artwork. Maybe you already have a color scheme in your home that you want to match. Maybe you want to explore some new options not listed below. Either way, we are here to work with you! Please take a moment to browse our standard offerings below. Please reach out to us directly if you’d like to explore other framing or background styles!
Background Options
To Mat or Not to Mat?
Matted Frame
Unmatted Frame
Standard Frames
Digital Scans & Prints
We are now excited to offer digital scans and prints of your artwork as an add-on to the final piece. A print of your artwork can make a great gifts for mothers/fathers of the bride or other members of your wedding party. We work closely with a local photographer & art reproduction company to produce high quality 360 DPI scans and giclee prints of your custom design on archival quality paper. While the original flowers will naturally fade over your lifetime, an archival print will keep it’s color forever.